60 year old female with chest pain

60 year old female with chest pain.

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent.

 Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case in an attempt to understand the topic of  " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.


A 60 year old female came to casuality with chief complaints of
 sob grade 3-4since 2 hrs
 Palpitations since 2 hrs
 Fever with chills since 2 hrs
 Chestpain since 1hr


Patient was apparently asymptomatic till mrng, then she was planned for an elective procedure of intrathecal steroid injection for SCIATICA in the afternoon.  She took her morning dose of tab.METXL 50mg, CLOPITAB tabs, FELMA 40mg.
But procedure was postponed due to high BP( 200/100 mm Hg.) 

She stopped taking her regular medication ecosprin since 6 days, for the elective procedure .

After procedure was cancelled , she returned home and ate lunch. She was feeling DISCOMFORT AND UNEASY and took ecosprin tablet , Sobitrate 5mg in the evening .

She developed FEVER, CHILLS , RIGOR ( high grade fever).

H/O:  Shortness of breath : III -IV with   SWEATING since 2hrs.

H/O: CHEST PAIN (+) since 1 hr
H/O  Dry cough since evening.
NO H/O Orthopnea and pnd.

Took medication METXL- 50mg, ECOSPRIN-150 mg, SOBITRATE -5mg.

In 2005, while she was working as staff nurse  one fine day she experienced uneasiness while coming down from upstairs, later while she’s having tea she has profuse sweatings with chestpain she was immediately taken to nandiyal hsptl her ECG was abnormal with elevated cardiac enzymes so she was immediately referred cardiology center near by her place there she underwent thrombolysis with streptokinase and angiogram was adviced but pt refused it.. she was discharged on anti platelets and antihtn 

After this stressful event pt stopped working in hsptl and joined school of nursing, while working there she saw an incident( physical fights between two people) which made her scared and left job over there and joined in currently working hospital.

In 2017,month of october,while she is working at hsptl she felt uneasiness throughout the day and at the nyt time she had similar complaints (profuse sweatings,chestpain,palpitations)went to casuality given symptomatic management and referred to cardiologist 

Thereafter she went to cardiology center ,there CAG was adviced,kept her on anticoagulants (inj clexane for 3days) and angiogram was done- SVD (LADproximal 90% lesion) and PTCA to LAD is done and on regular follow up 

2yrs back, pt had h/0 palpitations ,sweatings in the nyt time,ECG showed atrial fibrillation,she was on anti arrhythmic drug (amiodarone) but not on anticoagulation drugs.She stopped taking Amiodarone drug  since 4months



  •  HTN
  • PTCA

  • HTN: on regular medication( METXL 50mg)
  • Diabetes: no
  • CAD : no
  • Asthma :no
  • On regular medication ( ECOSPRIN) but stopped since 6 days.
  • She is a k/c/o sub clinical hypothyroidism and on regular medication  tab.thyronorm 25mcg OD since 2 years

  • Married
  • Occupation: stays at home
  • Appetite: normal
  • Bowels: normal
  • Micturition: normal
  • No known allergies 
  • No addictions.

  • Diabetes : no
  • HTN: no
  • Heart disease: no
  • Stroke: no
  • Cancer: no
  • TB : no
  • Asthma:no
  • No other hereditary diseases.


  • Pallor: no
  • Icterus: no
  • Cyanosis:no
  • Clubbingof fingers /toes:no
  • Lymphedenopathy: no
  • Edema of feet : yes (mild)
  • Malnutrition : no
  • Dehydration  :no
  • Temperature: 103° F
  • Pulse rate: 60 bpm ( normal volume, irregular).
  • RR : 24 breaths per minute 
  • BP : 200/100 mm hg.
  • Spo at room air: 93 %
  • GRBS: 194 mg%

  • CVS:
  • Cardiac sounds S1 & S2 are present. 
Respiratory system: BAE (+)

PA: Soft , non tender

CNS : conscious
           Glasgow scale : NAS




ON day 1:

  • ABG:

  • PH    :  7.440
  • Pco2 :  29.5 mm hg
  • Hco3 : 19.7. mmol/l
  • St HCO3 : 21.5 mmol/l
  • Po2 : 61.1 mm hg
  • So2  : 91.7 %


  • Sodium: 137 mEq /l
  • Potassium: 4.3 mEq /l
  • Chloride : 94mEq/ l

  • TROPONIN-1 : negative

  • Haemoglobin: 8.4 gm/dl
  • TLC: 17200 cells / cu.mm
  • PCT : 1.93 lakhs/cu.mm

 RBS : 87 mg/ dl

Blood urea: 40 mg/dl

Serim creatinine: 1.7 mg/ dl


Total bilirubin: 2.08 mg/dl
  • Direct bilirubin: 0.70 mg/dl
  • SGOT :16 IU/L
  • SGPT: 13IU/L
  • ALP: 186 IU/L
  • TOTAL PROTEINS : 5.8gm/dl
  • Albumin: 3.27 gm/dl
  • A/G ratio: 1.29

NS 1 antigen : negative

IgM , IgG : negative.

Blood for M.P - STRIP test : negative


  • Albumin : present
  • Sugar: nil
  • Pus cells : 3 to 4
  • Epithelial cells : 2to 3
  • Blood cells : present.

On 20-08-2021


On 21-08-2021



On 22-08-2021

On 24-08-2021

On 25-08-2021
X ray-
On 21-08-2021

On 25-08-2021


On day 1:

Inj ceftriaxone 1gm/iv/bd

Inj pantop 40mg/iv/od

Syp ascoril 15ml/po/tid 

Tab pcm 650mg/po/tid

Inj neomol 1gm /iv/sos if temp >101F

Tepid sponging,ice packs,temp charting 4th hourly 

O2 inhalation if required to maintain spO2 >92%

Tab Telma 40mg/po/od

Tab clopitab 75mg/po/od

Tab ecospirin 75mg/po/od

Tab atorvas 20mg/po/h/s

Bp charting 2nd hourly 

I/O charting 

PR/spo2/grbs charting 6th hourly 

Tab METXL 50mg /po/od

Neb with budecort mucomist @12th hourly 

Inj Lasix 20mgIV STAT

Day 2:-

O2 inhalation if required to maintain spo2 >92%

Tepid sponging,temp charting 4th hourly 

Inj ceftriaxone 1gm/iv/bd(day 2)

Inj pantop 40mg/iv/od

Tab metxl 50mg/po/od

Tab Telma 40mg/po/od

Tab ecospirin 75mg/po/od

Tab clopidogrel 75mg/po/od

Tab atorvas 20mg/po/h/s

Tab pcm 500mg/po/tid

Inj neomol 1gm/iv/sos if temp >101F

Neb with budecort mucomist @12th hourly 

Thrombophobe ointment for L/A

Tab metxl 25mg/po/h/s

Tab thyronorm 25mcg/po/od

Bp charting 2nd hourly 

I/O charting 

PR/spo2/grbs charting 6th hourly 

Day 3:-

O2 inhalation if required to maintain spo2 >92%

Tepid sponging,temp charting 4th hourly 

Inj ceftriaxone 1gm/iv/bd(day 3)

Inj pantop 40mg/iv/od

Tab metxl 50mg/po/od

Tab Telma 40mg/po/od

Tab ecospirin 75mg/po/od

Tab clopidogrel 75mg/po/od

Tab atorvas 20mg/po/h/s

Tab pcm 500mg/po/tid

Inj neomol 1gm/iv/sos if temp >101F

Neb with budecort mucomist @12th hourly 

Thrombophobe ointment 

Tab metxl 25mg/po/h/s

Tab thyronorm 25mcg/po/od

Syp ambroxol po/tid

Day 4:-

O2 inhalation if required to maintain spo2 >92%

Tepid sponging,temp charting 4th hourly 

Inj ceftriaxone 1gm/iv/bd(day 4)

Inj pantop 40mg/iv/od

Tab metxl 50mg/po/od

Tab Telma 40mg/po/od

Tab ecospirin 75mg/po/od

Tab clopidogrel 75mg/po/od

Tab atorvas 20mg/po/h/s

Tab pcm 500mg/po/tid

Inj neomol 1gm/iv/sos if temp >101F

Neb with budecort mucomist @12th hourly 

Thrombophobe ointment 

Tab metxl 25mg/po/h/s

Tab thyronorm 25mcg/po/od

Syp ambroxol po/tid

Day 5:-

O2 inhalation if required to maintain spo2 >92%

Tepid sponging,temp charting 4th hourly 

Inj ceftriaxone 1gm/iv/bd(day 5)

Inj pantop 40mg/iv/od

Tab metxl 50mg/po/od

Tab Telma 40mg/po/od

Tab ecospirin 75mg/po/od

Tab clopidogrel 75mg/po/od

Tab atorvas 20mg/po/h/s

Tab pcm 500mg/po/tid

Inj neomol 1gm/iv/sos if temp >101F

Neb with budecort mucomist @12th hourly 

Thrombophobe ointment 

Tab metxl 25mg/po/h/s

Tab thyronorm 25mcg/po/od

Syp ambroxyl po/tid

Syp mucaine gel 2tablespoons/po/bd

Inj clexane 40mg sc/od (day 1)

Day 6-

O2 inhalation if required to maintain spo2 >92%

Tepid sponging,temp charting 4th hourly 

Inj ceftriaxone 1gm/iv/bd(day 5)

Tab pantop 40mg/po/od

Tab metxl 50mg/po/od

Tab Telma 40mg/po/od

Tab ecospirin 75mg/po/od

Tab clopidogrel 75mg/po/od

Tab atorvas 20mg/po/h/s

Tab pcm 500mg/po/tid

Inj neomol 1gm/iv/sos if temp >101F

Neb with budecort mucomist @12th hourly 

Thrombophobe ointment 

Tab metxl 50mg/po/h/s

Tab thyronorm 25mcg/po/od

Syp ambroxyl po/tid

Syp mucaine gel 2tablespoons/po/bd

Inj clexane 40mg sc/od(day 2)

Day 7-

O2 inhalation if required to maintain spo2 >92%

Tepid sponging,temp charting 4th hourly 

Tab pantop 40mg/po/od

Tab metxl 50mg/po/od

Tab Telma 40mg/po/od

Tab ecospirin 75mg/po/od

Tab clopidogrel 75mg/po/od

Tab atorvas 20mg/po/h/s

Tab pcm 650mg/po/SOS

Neb with budecort mucomist @12th hourly 

Thrombophobe ointment 

Tab metxl 50mg/po/h/s

Syp ambroxyl po/tid

Syp mucaine gel 2tablespoons/po/bd

Inj clexane 40mg sc/od(day 3)

Tab.acitrom 1mg PO OD


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